India Industry and Market Outlook Information on all industries on a single platform
Released on = April 20, 2007, 11:31 pm
Press Release Author = Sunil Nair
Industry = Marketing
Press Release Summary = Mumbai, April 21, 2007: Mumbai based information aggregators Bharat Book Bureau have come up with a new report titled \"India Industry & Market Outlook 2007\" .
Press Release Body = The latest publication on the Indian industry is the leading annual publication that gives information on more than 100 major industries like automobile, furniture, petroleum, petrochemicals, beer and ale, clothing, chemicals, pharmaceuticals etc and over 500 minor industries.
Some of the industries covered are Periodical Publishing Industry, Breweries & Beer-Making Industry, Printing Industry, Telephone Equipment Mfg. Industry, Major Appliance Manufacturing Industry, Computer & Equipment Wholesale Industry, Furniture Stores Industry, Department Stores Industry, Interior Design Services Industry, Hotels & Motels Industry, Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg. Industry, Offices of Certified Public Accountants , Software Reproducing Industry, Book/Periodical/Newspaper Wholesales, Music Publishing Industry, Interior Design Services Industry etc.
This study, which is published each year in February, provides the most accurate and current estimates of the largest manufacturing, retail, wholesale, and services industries in forty five of the world's largest countries. With two hundred pages of information, the 2007 Industry & Market Outlook features establishments, employment and sales totals for each industry.
It also includes 2008 forecast establishments, employments and sales totals for each industry, 5-year trend establishments and sales totals , industry financial ratios like sales per employees, sales per establishment and employees per establishment, 2006 establishments , employments and sales totals for 500+ minor industries and industry definitions and descriptions.
The report aims at covering most of the industries and providing accurate information on these industries.
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Contact Details = Sunil Nair Webmaster Bharat Book Bureau 207, Hermes Atrium, Sector 11, Plot No.57, PO Box.54, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400 614, India. Phone:+91-(022)-2757 8668 / 2757 9438 Fax:+91-(022)-2757 9131 E-mail: Web
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